Full Licence

To get a Full license, you need to pass the Full exam.

At present the Radio Society of Harrow does not run a Full exam course or arrange the exam. We are, however, a registered examination centre with the RSGB and can offer examination places at the Club’s shack in Bushey.  For information about booking an Full exam, contact the club’s Examination Secretary at exams@g3efx.org.uk

The Bath Amateur Radio Club (BADARC) runs distance learning courses (led by Steve Hartley G0FUW) for the Full exam. The courses will be announced via RadCom, GB2RS, Practical Wireless, ICQ Podcast, etc, and on the BADARC website at https://badarc.webs.com/bath-training

There are no practical assessments at any level so students can do all their study at home. The exam consists of 58 multiple choice questions – pass mark is 35/58 (60%) and you are allowed 2 hours to complete the paper. You will be given one reference document in the exam (RSGB EX309) which includes:

  1. The full licence document so you do NOT need to memorise the regulations
  2. Two band plans (472 kHz & 5 MHz)
  3. A sheet of mathematical formulae, i.e. no need to memorise any formulae

The exam can either be taken online, or as a paper exam, at an approved examination centre such as ours.